Knowledge Exchange
Invited Talks &
Workshops for high school students
Invited by The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups
Delivered a public lecture Science x Art to about 70 high school students
Offering 3 science school talks:
Benny and the Chocolate Factory,
Nanoscience in the Eyes of an Ancient Chinese Philosopher, and
Vault’s What for high school students
The most requested speaker in the Faculty of Science, The University of Hong Kong for three consecutive years and visited over 20 high schools
Delivered the most in-demanded talk, Benny and the Chocolate Factory, to over 2000 high school students for the past three years
Yan Oi Tong Tin Ka Ping Secondary School
April 15, 2016
Shun Tak Fraternal Association Leung Kau Kui College
April 11, 2016
YMCA of Hong Kong Christian College May 5, 2015
True Light Middle School
May 13, 2015
True Light Girls' College
Dec 3, 2014
Exploring the World of Multi-disciplinary Science organized by HKU
Developed fingerprint and drug analysis experiments for 46 high school students
Junior Science Institute (JSI) organized by HKU Faculty of Science
Held a yearly workshop “Meet your Meat” for 25 high school students
Received the highest participants rating among 25 workshops in 2015
Developed a forensic science workshop called “Crime Scene Investigation”
Fingerprint analysis
Invited by The University of California’s Leadership Excellence through Advanced Degrees (UC LEADS) Symposium
Shared my graduate school experience to encourage and guided 80 underrepresented students to obtain advanced degrees in science
Project Leader, California Nanosystems Institute (CNSI) High School Nanoscience Program, UCLA
Taught 20 high school science teachers about nanoscience experiments to bring to their classrooms
Documented and updated instruction manuals to comply with the California teaching standards
Improved the original design of the experiment and reduced labor cost by 100%