If you want science workshops to be held in your school either in Los Angeles or in Hong Kong, please email to: drbennyng@gmail.com
如閣下希望在 貴校舉辦科普工作坊,請電郵drbennyng@gmail.com 聯絡。
STEM Talks & Workshops in Your School
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摺紙本身處於科學與藝術的交界之上:摺紙它不僅可用來造出美麗的藝術作品,同時也展示了平面物品如何可轉變成立體。在工作坊“摺紙藝術、足球與諾貝爾獎”上,運用摺紙的技巧去建構Bucky Ball,並講解背後的科學原理。
Bucky Ball全名為Buckminsterfullerene。這個Ball其實與我們平日踢的足球一樣,由十二個五邊形及二十個六邊形所組成。在一九八五年,數名化學家發現了現實世界有這種形狀如足球的炭分子,他們更於一九九六年因為這項發現而獲得諾貝爾獎。
然而,自然界中有些物件,例如雲層、山嶺、海岸線等,外貌不規則,不能以普通的幾何圖形來準確描述。到了二十世紀,數學家Benoit Mandelbrot發現,「分形」此一數學概念,實為基礎科學中所欠缺的一塊拼圖。若沒有「分形」,我們就不能全面地去理解自然世界。
Considering another liquid, water, it can behave very differently on different surfaces, for instance, on paper versus on a lotus leaf. The anti-wetting (water-hating or superhydrophobic) properties of lotus leafs has actually driven the development of self-cleaning coatings. Do you want to make your own liquid magnet and water-hating super coating? In this workshop, in addition to learning the science behind the amazing properties of ferrofluid and superhydrophobic surfaces, you will also be able to make your own artwork based on them.
Forensic Science - Fingerprint analysis
Forensic Science - Shoe Print Analysis
Forensic Science - Hair Analysis
Forensic Science - Soil Analysis
Soap & Lotion
Food Science - Molecular Gastronomy
The workshop lasts for four hours and was successful hold in Marymount Secondary School. The food in the pictures was made by the students.
Food Science - Screaming for Ice-cream
Grind the pumpkin seeds and it will fluoresce!
Food Science - Ginger Milk Pudding
Food Science - Say Cheese
Benny and the Chocolate Factory
Nanoscience in the Eyes of an Ancient Chinese Philosopher
Vault’s What